
My Featured Film

Heidi (1937)

I. About the Film
 Eight-year-old Heidi is orphaned and her selfish maternal Aunt Dete takes her to the mountains to live with Adolph Kramer, her grumpy, old, outcast, survivalist paternal grandfather. Heidi brings her grandfather back into mountain society through her angelic ways, sheer love, and adorable personality. When Aunt Dete steals Heidi away to be the companion of a rich man's invalid daughter, the grandfather is enraged and sets out to get her back. Back in Frankfurt, loved and adored by everyone she touches except the villainous housekeeper, Fraulein Rottenmeier, she thrives but is inwardly very sad and lonely. No matter what anyone tells her, Heidi, with faith, hope, and the stubbornness she inherited from her grandfather, knows that some day she will be reunited with the him and the beloved people of the mountain's little village.                Written by Terry Ann Smulen

Works Cited (参考文献)

IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 26 June 2016. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0028988/>.                                                  

Heidi (1993) Walt Disney-Part 02 von 02

Heidi (1965)

Works Cited (参考文献)

"Rudolf Prack Heidi 1965." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 June 2016. <https://youtu.be/Q0QuN79My0c>.
N.p., n.d. Web. <https://youtu.be/aV4cml7cH6U>.
"Heidi Der Film 1993 Walt Disney- Part 02 Von 02." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 June 2016. https://youtu.be/balMUvWCtbk.

III. About the Lead Actor - Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple was easily the most popular and famous child star of all time. She got her start in the movies at the age of three and soon progressed to super stardom. Shirley could do it all: act, sing and dance and all at the age of five! Fans loved her as she was bright, bouncy and cheerful in her films and they ultimately bought millions of dollars worth of products that had her likeness on them. Dolls, phonograph records, mugs, hats, dresses, whatever it was, if it had her picture on there they bought it. Shirley was box-office champion for the consecutive years 1935-36-37-38, beating out such great grown-up stars as Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Robert Taylor, Gary Cooper and Joan Crawford. By 1939, her popularity declined. Although she starred in some very good movies like Since You Went Away (1944) and the The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947), her career was nearing its end. Later, she served as an ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. It was once guessed that she had more than 50 golden curls on her head.

She was born in Santa Monica, California, to George Temple, a bank employee, and his wife, Gertrude (nee Krieger), who saw nascent talent in her three-year-old daughter. In 1931, Shirley was enrolled in a dance school in Los Angeles, where she was spotted by a studio agent. With her blonde hair styled in ringlets in imitation of the silent film star Mary Pickford, she was signed by Educational Pictures to appear in a series of one-reelers called Baby Burlesks, imitating films by Marlene Dietrich and other stars. Thanks to her ambitious mother, after bits in a few features Temple was offered a contract with 20th Century-Fox before she was six years old.

She immediately made an impression, bordering on the freakish, singing Baby Take a Bow, in Stand Up and Cheer! (1934), among seven movies in which she appeared in the same year. After only her first year in movies, she received a Special Oscar "in grateful recognition of her outstanding contribution to screen entertainment during the year 1934". She became a national institution: there were Shirley Temple dolls, toys and clothes (including a line in bathing suits). "I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six," she recalled. "Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked me for my autograph."

Their marriage ended in 1949, at the same time as she decided to retire from acting. The following year, she married the wealthy businessman Charles Black, who admitted to never having seen any of her films.

After bringing up her three children, she returned to the public eye in politics as Shirley Temple Black. A close friend of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan (with whom she co-starred in That Hagen Girl, 1947), she became active in the Republican party in California, where, in 1967, she ran unsuccessfully for the US House of Representatives, voicing her support for the Vietnam war. She became US ambassador to Ghana (1974-76) and White House chief of protocol (1976-77), during Gerald Ford's presidency; foreign affairs officer with the state department under Reagan; and ambassador to Czechoslovakia (1989-92) under George HW Bush.

Works Cited (参考文献)
                       "Biography." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 25 June 2016. <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000073/bio>.    
              Bergan, Ronald. "Shirley Temple Black Obituary." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 June 2016. <https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/feb/11/shirley-temple-black>.           

IV. My Reaction

A. Reaction Point - Characters
  • 定義 - Characters are persons, or animals or natural forces represented as persons,   in a work of film or literature.
  • 例 - In Heidi, the main characters are Heidi and Adolph Kramer.
  • 略 - Adolph Kramer is Heidi's grandfather. Because Heidi's pearents died, Heidi's aunt who doesn't like Heidi takes Heidi to Adolph. Adolph is hard to please, and unsociable. However, Heidi changes her grandfather's personality through her angelic ways, sheer love, and adorable personality. 
B. Reaction Point - Acting
  • 定義 - Acting is playing a character in a play or movie.
  • 例 - Shirley Temple's acting is charming.
  • 略 - She was very famous child actor. She could sing and dance. The way her smile is so cute. Heidi that Shirley Temple's perform is really charming. 

C. Reaction Point - Setting
  • 定義 - Setting is setting a historical backdrop and a place of the story.
  • 例 - The story is set in a small village in Switzerland at the foot of the Alps.
  • 略 - However, in fact, this film was not shot in Switzerland but in California.

D. My General Opinion
There are some differences between this film and "Heidi, Girl of the Alps" in Japan.
In this film, Peter is not an inmportant person. He appears not so much.
Furthermore, Yuki and Josef: grandfathers pets doesn't appear.
But, this is a very moving film. The key points of this film are Heidi's innocence, and the connection between Heidi and her grandfather. I'm glad that I came across this film.

10 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Koharu,

    There are many infomation in your blog. Your opinion is great!
    I think Actor Shirley Temple is very cute and wonderful!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Shiori. I'm happy that you said that for me.

  2. Hello Koharu. Your blog is very nice and easily viewable.
    And, easy to understand because using a lot of images.
    I have seen Heidi. She is very cute and this movie is good story.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Yuuka. I'm happy that you said that for me.

  3. Hi, Koharu!I checked Heidi before, too and wrote it. Very interesting! Your opinion is thought about deeply and is splendid.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Erika.
      I'm happy that you said that for me.

  4. Hello,Koharu! Your blog is easy to read.I didn't know this movie,but i want to watch this.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sae.
      I'm happy that you said that for me.

  5. Hello, Koharu.
    Your blog is nice! I bad at English, but your blog is easy to understand for me.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Yuuki.
      I'm happy that you said that for me.
